Monday, September 20, 2010


This is meant to be a quick post before bed-time. I'd like to write about how, this week, in reminding myself of how I have a chance to remember that I'm larger than my past mistakes and weaknesses, that inside I'm capable of an amazing amount, despite being disappointed with my recent behavior.

I decide how I react to any stimulus. I'm capable of amazing things, including deciding to begin acting in an amazing way immediately.

It's very difficult to put these thoughts down into writing. Most of what I'm attempting to write here is largely based on Stephen Covey's writing.

In the last few days, however, I feel that I've reached a deeper level of understanding what it means to be proactive. Lately I think of the idea that "we are not our thoughts, our past actions." This means that we don't have to continue making the same mistakes. By being responsible, I choose to make decisions that are right for me. Further, by having a vision of the way I'd like to be thought of by friends and family, I can act accordingly even when it's difficult or inconvenient.

At work, I draw my energy and strength from knowing that at my core, I have an amazing amount of potential. Past mistakes and performance have no bearing on my performance tomorrow. I can choose to be an equally smart and hardworking employee as my sister Jessica.

In conclusion, I've chosen to stay up a bit earlier and record these thoughts because I sense from experience that I'm at the crest of a wave of personal feelings. I've finished a productive day at work, helped by a new direction that I created for myself by being responsible. It will be more difficult from here on out. However, I can choose to tap my vast potential and be someone who has limitless creativity, intelligence, enthusiasm, and self-discipline.

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